The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS006, Blogging as an Unpublished Fiction Author

February 19, 2018

I was recently listening to an episode of a podcast that was discussing how to build a platform as an unpublished author. And coincidentally I didn’t agree with all the tips they shared. There was one tip I disagreed with that these guys shared with certainty. While writing your novel is the most important thing you can do as an unpublished author you need to build your author platform before you hit publish. And, I'm sorry, but a one-page stagnant website will not achieve this. You need to get eyeballs on that website. So, today I will devote this episode of the behind-the-scenes podcast diary to this topic because I’m so passionate about it and I think it needs to be discussed. This topic is blogging and whether you can use blogging to build a platform as an unpublished author.


About Me

I guess there is one thing you need to know about me before I get before I share my thoughts on blogging as an unpublished author. I’ve been blogging since 2010. And, since this time I’ve had about five different blogs maybe six. To be honest, I’ve lost count. So, it's safe to say I'm a fan of blogging.

What You Need to Know About Blogging

One reason people say blogging is dead is that they’re not prepared to put in the time it takes to be successful as a blogger. Blogging can take months or even years to get right and to have your blog positioned favourably in search engines. But, if you’re prepared to invest the time into establishing a great blog can be lucrative and work for you. So, blogging is an investment in your author career for the future.

It's not something that will yield short-term results. So, don't expect a tonne of traffic or a huge mailing list. When it comes to blogging consistency and the age of your blog will help you reach more readers and your visibility in search engines.

Blogging as a Nonfiction Author

The way you blog will depend on the books you write. I have to admit blogging as a nonfiction author is a little more straightforward. As a nonfiction author your blog to solve a problem. Your blog acts as the first step in your sales funnel. A great blog positions you as an expert and points readers towards your book.

Blogging as a Fiction Author

Whereas, as a fiction author, you're not blogging to solve a problem. When you write fiction, you're entertaining and providing the reader with a portal to escape their everyday lives. As a fiction author, you must Blog in the same way. You need to build intrigue toward your novels. Just like the nonfiction author, your blog is the first step in a Sales Funnel that points towards your novels. So, how do you blog to attract your ideal readers as an unpublished author?

Blogging to Attract Your Ideal Reader

Before you start blogging, you need to consider why you're blogging. Most authors want to blog to attract their ideal readers or to grow a readership before they launch their books. While other authors think 'maybe I should start a blog.' If you want to start a blog, you need to start with your reader in mind. This means blogging is not about you or your author journey. Well, not at first.

If you're an unpublished author then the chances are no one knows about you or the books, you're writing. So, start with your reader in mind. What does your ideal reader want to read? And, what will attract your ideal reader to your blog? If you're not sure how to answer this question, here is a list of ideas to help you get started.


Ideas for blogging as a fiction writer:

  • Opening scene of your work in progress
  • Deleted scenes with commentary
  • Book reviews in your genre
  • Share your to-be-read list
  • Favourite main characters or villains
  • Films similar to your novels
  • Locations in your novel (sights to see)
  • Behind the scenes of the story (what inspired you to write the book?)
  • Writing progress updates
  • New book ideas
  • Character Interviews
  • Character case files (great for espionage thrillers or crime fiction)
  • Short stories within your novel's world
  • Flash fiction in your genre

You certainly need not stick to this list I've created, instead, use it as a springboard to brainstorm ideas for your author blog. But, think about what your ideal reader wants to read? And, how you can introduce them to your novels in a non-intrusive way. You see blogging is content marketing and is a kinder version of marketing. It helps your reader find your novels and helps them to consider whether they will enjoy your book without it being in their face. Just like an advertisement on Amazon that’s essentially “buy my book.” Content marketing is a kind way of doing this. It’s great for introverts who don’t like to get in front of people, create ads, YouTube videos, book tours, and stuff like that.

Concluding Thoughts

So, are you considering blogging as an unpublished author? Or, have you started a blog but have no idea what to write? I want to hear from you. Let me know by coming over to the blog post and sharing your thoughts in the comments section.

Thank you for listening and happy reading and writing, everybody!


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