The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

BTS005, I'm Sharing My Writing and Business Goals for February With You

February 12, 2018

At the beginning of January, I shared my writing and business goals for the year, just like every other entrepreneur, writer, and blogger. While this is a great practice, it hasn't been as motivating as I had intended. As I look back over 2017 and consider what has worked and what has not, I've realised there was one thing that did work. Well, this practice did encourage me to take more action and achieve more by the end of the month. And, this practice was sharing my monthly goals with you. But, you've probably noticed I didn't follow through with this on the podcast. The reason behind this was simple. While I did get more done and I put an end to my procrastination habit. I didn't achieve all of my goals. It was hard to admit this. I now realise the reason for this was I set the bar for success too high. In light of this, I've decided to redefine my definition of success and continue sharing my monthly goals with you.

Thanks for listening!

Check out the Blog Post

Writing and Business Goals for February 2018 |

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