The Authorpreneur Podcast - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

The Authorpreneur Podcast  - Writing & Self Publishing Tips

TAP012, What is Three Act Structure?

October 21, 2017

So, you've got a story idea that you can't wait to write and you're wondering; how do you write a good story? Is there a structure you should follow as you write a novel? There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to writing a novel. If you're just starting out, then I recommend using Three Act Structure. This type of story structure is a writing tool used by screenwriters. It was studying the craft of writing for screen, which I was introduced to the concept of structuring a story.


Why Three Act Structure?

I've been thinking about where I should take The Indie Authorpreneur Podcast from here. And, I've decided the next logical step is to move toward discussing outlining techniques and writing the first draft. But, before we can discuss these elements of writing I need to share with you the basic elements of story structure. Understanding the basics of story structure will help make outlining a little easier. In light of this, I've created another audio mini-series.

How will this mini-series work?

I’ll record a series of short episodes every week focusing on the Three-Act Structure and its various elements. This means each separate plot element will have its own episode. I want you to be able to use these episodes as reference tools as you write and outline your stories.

In this episode, I'll discuss:

  • The benefits of three-act-structure as an aspiring author.
  • Who would benefit from using three-act-structure?
  • A macro view of each of the three acts and the various story elements of each act.
  • Reader Psychology.
  • And what to read next, if you want to dive in a little deeper into Three-Act Structure.


Thanks for listening!



Check out the Blog Post

What is Three Act Structure?



Books and Episodes Mentioned

Plot + Structure by James Scott Bell



Upcoming Episodes in the Three-Act-Structure Series

What is Three-Act-Structure? |

How to Write a Great Story Hook in a Novel |

How to Write a Great Ordinary World Scene |

How to Write the Inciting Incident |

How to Write the First Plot Point |

How to Write the Rising Action Scenes in a Novel |

How to Write the Midpoint of a Novel |

How to Write the Second Half of the Second Act |

How to Write the Dark Night of the Soul Scene of a Novel |

How to Choose the Right Ending for Your Story |

How to Write the Climactic Sequence of a Novel |

How to Write the Hero at the Mercy of the Villain Scene in a Novel |

How to Write the Denouement Scenes for Your Novel |


Tools & Resources

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Your Questions on writing, editing and Self Publishing Answered |

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