In The Slipstream

Episode 60 - Compliance with a smile: with Julia Vojkovic - Compliance Co.
In this episode we talk with Julia Vojkovic of Compliance Co about various aspects of financial services from a compliance perspective. Amongst a range of interesting topics, we discuss the responsibilities of AFSL’s in navigating the current legislative landscape and how Compliance Co assists by providing an outsourced compliance solution. Julia also shares some interesting aspects about providing such services during COVID-19.
Amongst a range of other topics discussed, we also examined the age-old question of “Should I just take out my own licence?”, with Julia sharing some practical tips and points to consider.
In the interview Julia mentioned the software program that Compliance Co has developed to assist AFSL’s. For more information, please refer to the website Compliance Co has generously offered to provide listeners to this podcast (who are AFSL’s) a 3 months free trial of the Representative Client File Review segment of the software. Please contact Julia directly if you are interested – her contact details appear below.
The podcast Julia mentioned during the Rapid Fire section of the interview is
Chat 10 Looks 3, with Annabel Crabb and Leigh Sales.
Julia’s contact details are
Phone: +61 401 193 473
Scott’s contact details are:
Phone: 0409 870 330
To take an interest in Tim Lane’s music, which is featured on the episode:
Facebook: The Backstick Agenda. (Please go and Like this page.)
(To purchase Tim’s music, you need to register on Bandcamp before you can download.)