In The Slipstream

Episode 36 - Rachel Wilson, newly appointed coach at Slipstream Coaching.
Podcast with Rachel Wilson
Show Notes
In this episode we talk with Rachel Wilson, newly appointed coach at Slipstream Coaching.
Amongst a range of interesting topics, we discuss Rachel’s experience in leading her own professional services firm, some of her other entrepreneurial experience and what she gets up to when not at work. Interestingly, whilst in practice Rachel was on the receiving end of some coaching. Rachel shares what this entailed and how it has shaped her own view of what she would like to offer her clients.
You’ll find this to be an enjoyable conversation that flows along rather easily. Rachel is quite clearly interested in helping fellow practitioners and looking forward to starting her coaching life at Slipstream.
During the interview, Rachel mentioned that she is a regular podcast listener. Here for your enjoyment are some podcast shows that feature in Rachel’s playlist along with some helpful comments -
· Scaling up- Bill Gallagher - has some phenomenal guests
· 10% Happier - light hearted and good introduction to meditation and general relaxation.
· Pick of the punch - light hearted and full of takeaways from a marketing perspective
· Disrupt Yourself - Whitney Johnson - interesting concepts and enlightening especially in regard to habits
· The Gary Vee Audio Experience - (strong language warning with that one)
· The Tim Ferriss Show - often results in me trying the new latest fad!
· Ted Talks Daily - great for shorter rides in the car, some phenomenal topics covered
Rachel Wilson’s contact details are
Phone: 0411 645 470
Twitter: RachelPeridot
Linked In:
Scott Charlton’s contact details are:
Phone: 0409 870 330
Twitter: @ScottCharlton1
Linked In:
To take an interest in Tim Lane’s music
Facebook: The Backstick Agenda. (Please go and Like this page.)
To see film clips and to hear Tim’s music:
(To purchase Tim’s music, you need to register on Bandcamp before you can download.)