In The Slipstream

Episode 32 - Upon reflection - a practitioner's journey with Leonie Henry
Podcast with Leonie Henry
Upon reflection - a practitioner’s journey
Show Notes
In this episode we talk with Leonie Henry, the founder of Henry Financial Group about her time in practice and now, her life in retirement.
Amongst a range of interesting topics, we discuss fee for service, pricing one’s services and running the business in line with some core philosophies.
Leonie also shares some interesting aspects about exiting her business. The ultimate exit was not the first route that Leonie tried. In fact there were several options explored before a successor came on the scene. That turned out to be a very successful path and now it is clear that there is a vibrant future for Henry Financial Group well beyond the service of its founder.
Throughout the conversation, it’s interesting to hear what Leonie has to share looking back on her time in business, from the position of now being happily retired.
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