In Retrospect

In Retrospect

Latest Episodes

Episode 027, "A Clown's Prayer," an interview with Jordan Brown
December 20, 2018

Jordan Brown is an improv comedian with an undying love for cheering people.  In this 27th episode he describes the joys of his craft and the struggles with depression.  

Episode 026, "An Old Soul," an interview with Katie Cheesman
December 07, 2018

Katie Cheesman calls herself "an old soul," because she is drawn to the wisdom of the elderly.  Her work, "The Listening Ear Project" is to archive life pearls from our seasoned comrades.  She also talks about her starring role in "High Sc...

Episode 025, "Beau-père," an interview with Brent Anderson
November 30, 2018

In French, "beau-père" means "beautiful father," and is the word used for father-in-law.  Brent Anderson has been a beautiful father to me.  Join us looking in retrospect at his rich adventures from France to Kinshasa!

Episode 001, "Thus It Begins," an introduction by Kendall Thurman
October 17, 2018

This is the backstory to the world-famous "In Retrospect" podcast!  Herein is the reason for its creation which includes being driven (literally) to near insanity by rush hour traffic.  "In Retrospect" is a podcast of cool stories from eve...

Episode 024, "It's Always Now," an interview with Anissa Rasheta
October 14, 2018

Anissa Rasheta is an advocate for CARE, an international humanitarian agency.  She is also a middle child who thinks people are eating ice cream behind her back.  

Episode 023, "Courage Reins," an interview with Angie Moody
September 21, 2018

Angie Moody loves being a part "Courage Reins," an organization the provides healing through horsemanship.

Episode 022, "Camel Spiders and Desert Storms," an interview with Kevin Thurman
August 30, 2018

Kevin Thurman describes his battle with a camel spider and other everyday events in this episode!

Episode 021, "Life of the Party," an interview with Jaymie Noel
July 29, 2018

Jaymie lives in Minot, North Dakota. Really. She's a mother of five who keeps the party alive.

Episode 020, "Gabby Golden Gate Girl," an interview with Dixie Merrell Waldrip
July 25, 2018

From near-muggings to taste-testing leaky diapers, Dixie tells of her adventures as a farm-grown girl who lives in and loves San Francisco.

Episode 019, "The Work of the Gods," an interview with Becky Douglas
June 25, 2018

Becky Douglas is the founder of Rising Star Outreach, an organization in India that is helping people with leprosy break through social and financial barriers. This mother of ten truly became the change she wanted to see in the world.