In Partibus Infidelium

In Partibus Infidelium

Latest Episodes

IPI - ep5 - Catholic Time [Months]
June 06, 2019

First in a series about how Catholics sanctify time 

IPI - ep4 - Beauty is Good [and True]
May 29, 2019

Summer Break 2019 edition #1. I talk to myself about the 3 Transcendentals, Siberian Tigers, and why Beauty is the path to developing a Catholic [Sacramental] Imagination. 

IPI - ep3 - Charles Delano
May 06, 2019

This one features Charlie, future priest of the Springfield Diocese. We talk about Latin Mass, beauty, vocations, and joyful suffering.

IPI - ep2 - Maggie Deckard & Brooke Renspurger
April 28, 2019

Today I talk to Brooke and Maggie about holiness, grandmas, and whether holy water is better than holy oil. We also touch on the relationship between suffering and sainthood. These girls are wicked deep.  For our prayer, since it's Divine Mercy Sunday, I

IPI - ep1 - Ian Harris
April 19, 2019

In the premier episode of In Partibus Infidelium, I have a conversation with saint-in-training (and college student) Ian Harris about everything from the friendship between J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis to how cool old people are. No wonder he's famous. T