In Depth with Stephen Strang

In Depth with Stephen Strang

Latest Episodes

How Mary Colbert's Obedience to the Holy Spirit Ignited a Nationwide Prayer Movement
December 04, 2019

Prayer and intercession have always been an integral part of Mary Colbert's life. Before Trump was elected, she not only believed the prophetic words that Trump would be elected, but she boldly told others about it and prayed according to the...

Stephen Strang Speaks Out as to Why Trump Must Win in 2020
November 01, 2019

America has a long history of lively and often extreme political discord. Host Stephen Strang has lived through this type of discord as a journalism student during the Vietnam War. Listen as he speaks out as to why President Trump must win the...

Why Kim Daniels is the Devil's Worst Nightmare
July 04, 2019

Go in-depth with demon buster Kim Daniels. Hear her journey from growing up in a rough neighborhood of Jacksonville, Florida, to when the Lord changed her life. Now, as a Florida House Representative, Kim is helping pass laws to bring prayer...

Left's Dark Agenda Against Christian Values Exposed
June 27, 2019

There's a war to destroy America, but one man is determined to expose the left's nefarious agenda. David Horowitz, an American Jew, recently wrote a book called Dark Agenda, in which he reveals just how fiercely the far left is trying to destroy...

Mark Burns: Bridging the Gap Between Trump and African-Americans
June 20, 2019

Pastor Mark Burns is often seen on various news organizations defending the president. Listen as he goes in-depth on how he went from a young man running from his calling to being invited to a meeting at Trump Towers with evangelical leaders and...

How to Win the Spiritual Battle for America's Soul in 2020
June 13, 2019

Go in-depth with political strategist Ralph Reed as he shares why Christians will have to work harder than ever before to see spiritual victory in the upcoming presidential election.

Pastor John Lindell Explains Why Grace Is So Liberating 
June 06, 2019

I learned so much reading Pastor Lindell's new book Soul Set Free that I invited him to go in-depth to expose misconceptions many Christians have of grace. We also talk about why his James River Church has exploded in growth.

Why Christians Are Funding Abortions and Porn Without Knowing It
May 30, 2019

One principle that should drive every Christian is honoring God in everything, including financial investments. Go in-depth with Art Ally, founder and president of the Timothy Plan, as he shares a special message for Christians across the U.S. who may...

Janet Porter Tells Story Behind Success of Heartbeat Bills
May 23, 2019

If there is a heartbeat, there is life. Janet Porter, founder and president of Faith2Action, goes in-depth on the Heartbeat Bill and how it was crafted to be the arrow in the heart of Roe vs. Wade. Listen as she tells the story of little...

Never Miss Your Moment with Samuel Rodriguez
May 16, 2019

Go in depth with Pastor Samuel Rodriguez as he shares how God opened a door for him to pray at the president's inauguration, a moment that ministered to him on a personal level. Rodriguez also shares how, at one point, he felt he missed his turn in...