In Bootcamp

In Bootcamp

Latest Episodes

In Bootcamp #26: The End
August 13, 2019

On the final episode of In Bootcamp, Matthew Petschl finishes bootcamp! Group project is complete, graduation commences and upcoming plans are made.

In Bootcamp #25: The Last Week
July 17, 2019

On the last full week of In Bootcamp, Matt shares the final few days of Group Project 3 - contributions and timesinks, plus an insightful discovery, and a bit more about short and long term plans after bootcamp ends.

In Bootcamp #24: Mail Server
July 11, 2019

Matt finishes up Computer Science in bootcamp, and continues working on his mail server for Group Project 3, meanwhile the project itself is not going so well -- and a sudden surprise from HackerX.

In Bootcamp #23: Computer Science
July 07, 2019

The bootcamp begins a short Computer Science unit, discussing Sorting Algorithms, group project 3 continues, and allegedly next week the legendary HackerX returns to Minneapolis -- listen to Matt's plan!

In Bootcamp #22: Java
June 28, 2019

Matt's group project 3 stutters, React is finished up, Java begins and essentially ends, and upon reflection, maybe this course changed course during its course.

In Bootcamp #21: Prime Digital
June 19, 2019

Matt continues learning React and more important modern JavaScript concepts, chats with his TA and gains a new perspective on the portfolio.

In Bootcamp #20: React
June 13, 2019

Matt begins React week; with HTML in JavaScript - JSX, basic styles and component composition, plus Matt's professor tells him strange things!

In Bootcamp #19: Open Source North
June 08, 2019

Matt continues with MongoDB in class, and outside of class he attends his first conference - Open Source North - meets new friends and even gets his own invitation to the legendary HackerX.

In Bootcamp #18: Mongo
May 30, 2019

Matt finishes Group Project 2 and learns a lot about scope, communications and capabilities, and continues learning Mongo and NoSQL.

In Bootcamp #17: Maximum Development Efficiency
May 24, 2019

Matt's second group project continues and the tasks begin building up; plus Matt gets his first unsolicited recruiter contact!