Imperfect Action

111: Saahil Mehta: Break Free
Saahil Mehta, entrepreneur, author, and passionate mountaineer, discusses living fuller and creating “diamond level clarity” by letting go and decluttering your mind, body, people, and the material world.
Saahil discusses the events that changed how he approaches life, self, and relationships, the importance of openness and vulnerability, creating self-acceptance, and why there is never a need to worry.
Listen, learn, and share with everyone you think would benefit from Saahil’s approach to breaking free.
It’s time to play bigger, do better, and move the world. Let’s get started!
Saahil Mehta, Entrepreneur, Author, and Passionate Mountaineer
Over the last decade Saahil scaled 4 of the tallest mountains in the world- a dream that he harboured since childhood.
As a Global Citizen Saahil has built successful businesses in the Diamond industry and Hospitality industry across 3 continents; but even thereafter he struggled to experience peace, happiness & abundance.
But only once he was able to conquer his self-limiting mindsets & habits he was able to re-invent the complete spectrum of life- from mental focus to physical excellence and from beautiful relationships to efficient environments with a singular focus on ‘de-cluttering’ what no longer serves his life’s true calling & purpose-to scale the actuals summits of world as well as the metaphorical summits of personal mastery.
Today, Saahil continues running his business ventures on one hand and has also embarked upon this new life as an author(of the newly launched book BREAK-FREE) and a coach; he’s deeply focused on guiding thoughtful leaders to navigate their health, wealth and relationships as they scale their summit with the help of his proven set of tools + rituals to experience the ultimate peace and freedom to redefines their personal success.
Connect with Saahil:
Get his book at Amazon
Theme music: Just a Little by award winning indie pop band Shadow of Whales.
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