The Pod Station

The Pod Station

The Marvel Rewatch - Captain America; The First Avenger

September 08, 2021

After finding every reason not to do a 23 movie marathon podcast series, we've eventually found our muse!

We will be joining Ishtar Ali on her maiden voyage through the MCU, experiencing the excitement we had first time around, whilst adding extra info to enhance her understanding & enjoyment.

In this episode we deep delve into the first of the Captain America trilogy - well actually Ishtar spends all the show gushing over Bucky, Latham over Red Skull and Pollard is the only one remaining professional & non-superficial. Probably why the other two have more interesting things to discuss!

If you fancy watching for the first time then this is the podcast series for you. We will be recording a show for each of the film's as we watch them time chronologically (as opposed to date release order).

The episodes come out every fortnight & will be spoiler free, so you don't need to worry about finding out everybody dies at the end (ooops!).

If you just fancy a rewatch get on board too. There's plenty of discussion, nerding out, fun, laughs & plus tagging along for a newbies first outing has definitely been infectious.

Right.... Let's get this on like Donkey Kong!

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