The Immunology Podcast

The Immunology Podcast

Ep. 83: “Biomolecular Sensors” Featuring Dr. Shana Kelley

July 16, 2024


Dr. Shana Kelley is the President of the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Chicago and the Neena B. Schwartz Professor of Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University. The Kelley research group works in a variety of areas spanning bio analytical technology development and has pioneered new methods for tracking molecular and cellular analytes with unprecedented sensitivity. She talks about developing DNA-based reagentless biosensors and commercializing new technologies.

Featured Products and Resources:

The Immunology Science Round Up

Tuberculosis Target Structure – Cryogenic electron microscopy structures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ATP synthase sheds light on drug binding.

Toll-Like Receptor Signaling – Researchers engineered macrophages to delineate TLR pathway activities.

Onco-Fetal Immune Tolerance – Scientists cross-analyzed single-cell RNA sequencing data from human cancer types and the maternal-fetal interface to identify an onco-fetal immune tolerance checkpoint.

Tau Immunotherapy – Scientists loaded tau antibodies into micelles and administered them intranasally in mice.

Image courtesy of Dr. Shana Kelley

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