The Immunology Podcast

The Immunology Podcast

Ep. 59: “Infectious Disease Ecology and Evolution” Featuring Dr. Daniel Streicker

August 01, 2023

Daniel Streicker


Dr. Daniel Streicker is a Professor of Viral Ecology at the University of Glasgow, where his lab investigates pathogen transmission between species. He talks about vampire bats as a reservoir for rabies and approaches to vaccination that could prevent transmission.

Featured Products and Resources:

The Immunology Science Round Up

Sleep Disturbance in Cardiac Disease – Sleep disruption in cardiac disease is driven by the loss of neurons that normally project from the superior cervical ganglia into the pineal gland.

Influenza Vaccine Format and Antibody Responses – Using a human tonsil organoid model, researchers tracked the differentiation and kinetics of the adaptive immune response to influenza vaccine and virus modalities.

Multipronged T Cells – Single T cells from successful immunotherapy recognize multiple cancer types.

γδ T Cells in Solid Tumors – Tumor-infiltrating γδ T cells consist of functionally distinct subsets with tumor-promoting or -restricting functions.

Image courtesy of Dr. Daniel Streicker

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