Immigrant Masters Unite: Hacking Lives of Successful Immigrants To Live The American Dream!

Immigrant Masters Unite: Hacking Lives of Successful Immigrants To Live The American Dream!

Latest Episodes

IMU 073: Finding Opportunity with an Outsider’s Perspective by Atul Vir
August 25, 2020

Have you ever had that experience of only wanting something simple but wake up with something bigger than you have ever dreamed of, let alone planned for? As if one day you just realize, “When did this get this big?

IMU 072: Regain Energy with Qi Gong by Lee Holden
August 18, 2020

Have you been trying to figure out how to regain energy?  Have you ever heard of Qi Gong? If not, you’re in for a treat. After a serious soccer injury, Lee Holden had a revelation. He realized that we’re not doing the right thing in Western medicine wi...

IMU 071: Entrepreneurial Mindset – How to Grow a Business That Inspires You
August 11, 2020

Nathan Amaral is a second generation immigrant from Portugal, and he caught the entrepreneurial bug early from his dad. Growing up in the family bakery, Nathan’s parents made him learn how to do everything, including grease the bread machines.

IMU 070: How Dmitriy Peregudov, a Russian Immigrant, Built a $6 Million in Revenue Company Selling Gift Baskets…All Because He Couldn’t Sent His Mom Flowers!
April 14, 2020

Have you ever heard of someone building a multi-million dollar company and wondered how they did it?  I am sure you have as it happens all the time.  But how, right? Or.. Have you ever someone build this successful company starting from scratch AND bec...

IMU 069: Winning Money Mindset – How To Shift Your Mindset, Become Successful Entrepreneur & Create Financial Freedom You Always Wanted!
February 14, 2020

Do you think about money a lot?  Is not having enough money on your mind? When it comes to money, what are your beliefs about it, rich people and success? Have you ever considered that if you are not making the money you want,

IMU 068: How Marieta Oslanec, a Slovakian Immigrant, Used The Law of Love To Activate Her Inner Genius & Help Immigrant Entrepreneurs Live The American Dream!
January 28, 2020

What if I told you that in order to succeed in life, you have to follow certain universal laws?   And what if I told you that one of the most important laws you need to follow is the Law of Love?   Would you listen, would you try it out?

IMU 066: How Ravit, an Unknown Immigrant from Israel, Overcame Her Language Barriers, Got Featured By a Cosmo Panel & Created a Unique Cosmetics Brand In a Noisy Industry!
July 09, 2019

Have you ever considered partnering with your competition? Do you know how to grow your social media presence using creative partnerships? Are you planning on do you have a business in a competitive industry?

IMU 065: Venkat Ramineni, a Business Advisor Who Traveled With Ivanka Trump, Reveals His Insider Tips & Strategies For Starting & Growing Your U.S. Based Immigrant Business.
June 18, 2019

How do you start an immigrant business here in United States, on a visa? What is the best way to assimilate in United States to become a successful member of the society? How can I transition from a student visa to work visa and remain here in US?

IMU 064: How Thomas Odermatt, an Immigrant from Switzerland, Disrupted a 200 Year Old Industry with a Single Idea & How You Can Replicate His Success Yourself.
May 14, 2019

Have you ever wondered how some people are able to disrupt an entire industry that’s been around for a long time? Ever thought about how Uber was able to disrupt the taxi industry?  What if I told you that you, as an immigrant,