Intelligent Money Minute

Intelligent Money Minute

Widows Are Still Hot! Trends in Widowhood

November 04, 2021

On today’s Intelligent Money Minute, we’ll interview Kathleen Rehl on trends in widowhood. The yearly census shows that, on average, one million women become widowed. During this episode, Kathleen defines her proprietary word Wid-Ex and how it impacts widowhood life. Wid-Ex will affect millions of women in the upcoming years and can have long lasting implications.
As Kathleen mentioned, there are more widows as a result of COVID-19, and widowhood is being talked about more as widows are being featured more and more in our entertainment. Kathleen also introduced us to a concept she terms, “Wid-Ex” where a widow can find herself grieving when an ex-husband passes away.
Please be sure to subscribe to our podcasts as we will be interviewing Kathleen on an upcoming podcast where she explains how to simply write a legacy letter to your family and friends. You will not want to miss it. You can purchase Kathleen’s book here.  
Kathleen Rehl Bio
Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® wrote the multi-award-winning book, Moving Forward on Your Own: A Financial Guidebook for Widows. Experiencing widowhood herself, Dr. Rehl empowers widows financially™ and inspires their advisors. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, AARP Bulletin, CNBC, USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, Journal of Financial Service Professionals, Journal of Financial Planning, and other publications. Rehl owned a financial planning firm for 17 years before retiring to her “encore” career. She walks an hour daily, practices yoga, enjoys art and music festivals, writes poetry and makes art, loves her grandsons . . . and continues to evolve on her journey.
