Intelligent Money Minute

Intelligent Money Minute

5 Steps to Leaving a Legacy Letter

October 28, 2021

On today’s Intelligent Money Minute, we’ll interview Kathleen Rehl on 5 steps to leaving a legacy letter.  Kathleen says, “you can give loved ones a far more precious treasure that’s a legacy of who you are.” The task of leaving a lasting written memoir may seem daunting. During this episode, Kathleen breaks down each step of writing a legacy letter so anyone can do it. 
As Kathleen mentioned, the five steps to writing a legacy letter are

*  Who (who are you writing it for)
* Gratitude or thank you statement 
* Life Lessons (Three things life has taught you)
* Values (What matters most to you) and
* A closing statement/quote/poem

To get a link where you can see this legacy letter template and see it in action, click here.
Please be sure to subscribe to our podcasts as we will be interviewing Kathleen on an upcoming podcast where she explains how to simply write a legacy letter to your family and friends. You will not want to miss it. You can purchase Kathleen’s book here.  
Kathleen Rehl Bio
Kathleen M. Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT® wrote the multi-award-winning book, Moving Forward on Your Own: A Financial Guidebook for Widows. Experiencing widowhood herself, Dr. Rehl empowers widows financially™ and inspires their advisors. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, AARP Bulletin, CNBC, USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, Journal of Financial Service Professionals, Journal of Financial Planning, and other publications. Rehl owned a financial planning firm for 17 years before retiring to her “encore” career. She walks an hour daily, practices yoga, enjoys art and music festivals, writes poetry and makes art, loves her grandsons . . . and continues to evolve on her journey.