Intelligent Money Minute

Intelligent Money Minute

Fewer, Richer, Greener with Larry Siegel

November 18, 2020

Larry credits the inception of his new work to a book written in 2004 by Ben Wattenberg called “Fewer” detailing the end of the population explosion. As a result of Wattenberg’s book, Larry put together a more extensive thought on what will occur when this massive population does indeed decrease. This concept inspired the theme of his new book: Fewer, Richer, Greener. During this episode, Larry explains that population reduction isn’t necessarily a negative thing when coupled with increased wealth. He states that as areas become wealthier they will invest further in their current children rather than adding.
We’ll be interviewing Larry on upcoming Intelligent Money Minute podcast episodes, so be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already. Larry mentioned that the world’s population growth explosion looks to taper off this century, leading to more prosperous countries and individuals, which should allow us to solve some of the environmental enigmas that we currently face. 
Larry’s book, “Fewer, Richer, Greener” reminds me of one of our wealth management principles, which is to have faith in our future. We regard optimism as the only realism. There will always be something to fear, but we think that progress continues to increase. We want to maintain a positive outlook on life, even when things appear dark or grim. When you are fearful or panicking, please don’t make a foolish mistake you will regret in the future. Let us be your financial accountability partner and emotional ballast through the storms. We are here to serve you.
Larry Siegel Bio
Laurence B. Siegel is the Gary P. Brinson director of research at the CFA Institute Research Foundation and an author, consultant, and speaker on investment management and economics. Before retiring from full-time work in 2009 he was director of research at the Ford Foundation and, before that, head of research at Ibbotson Associates (since acquired by Morningstar). He attended the University of Chicago (BA 1975, MBA 1977). His book, Fewer, Richer, Greener, has been published by Wiley and is available, along with his other work, at