I'm Losing It! with Brian Krock

Kim & Nelson Campbell of PlantPure Share Their Mission To Make Healthy Food Accessible To Everyone!
We were SO excited when we lined up Kim & Nelson Campbell for Brian’s podcast… we knew we had to make this another dual episode of I’m Losing It! and Krocks In The Kitchen. You can listen to it as an audio podcast here or watch the video of the interview on YouTube.
Kim Campbell is the author of two cookbooks, PlantPure Nation & PlantPure Kitchen. She develops amazing plant-based recipes and shares them weekly on PlantPure Kitchen Live, a free YouTube cooking show. She also helped spearhead a food line at PlantPure, which includes frozen entrees and their newest endeavor, a line of Meal Starter Kits designed to make plant-based eating more affordable and accessible.
Nelson Campbell is the Executive Producer, Director and Co-Writer of the documentary PlantPure Nation. He is the son of Dr. T. Colin Campbell (author of The China Study), who is considered by many to be the science ‘father’ of the plant-based nutrition movement. Nelson also founded PlantPure, Inc. and PlantPure Communities, which help promote the health benefits of plant-based nutrition.
Join us as we chat about everything from the history of how they met and transitioned to a plant-based diet together to the passion they have for making a plant-based diet accessible to everyone. We also learned more about their new Meal Starter Kits, which not only bring delicious meals into YOUR kitchen, but also help support their mission to increase access to healthy food in underserved communities.
Check out these links to follow along with all of the exciting things Kim & Nelson are doing to help spread knowledge and awareness of a plant-based lifestyle:
PlantPure Nation Documentary on YouTube
Meal Starter Kits
Subscribe to PlantPure Kitchen Live Emails (Kim’s Weekly Cooking Show)
PlantPure TV (YouTube Channel)
Follow Krocks In The Kitchen on YouTube!
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