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Luminary Spot Light: Maggie Steele Life Coach for Teens and Young Adults

June 24, 2014

Maggie Steele is a certified Life Coach and author of How I Got My S!*t Together: An Introspective Workbook to Help You Find Your Passion and Purpose in Life. As a Coach, she offer Academic Coaching, Career Coaching, Life coaching and Transitional Coaching. Maggie's story ?As a child, I grew up with one parent in prison and the other struggling with alcoholism. By the time I reached adolescence, the emotional pain had become so unbearable that I ended up turning to alcohol and drug use in order to cope with my sadness. The pain, however, did not go away and my thoughts were clouded with suicide on a regular basis. The work that I did on myself and the help that I received during those dark moments is the reason I am here today. Too often, we think there is no choice and that there is no way things can get better. But things can get better and the work I do with teens and young adults helps them understand and accept this perspective.?