Illuminating Anorexia & Eating Disorder Recovery

Illuminating Anorexia & Eating Disorder Recovery

EDs morph but core needs remain EDs morph but core needs remain

November 27, 2016

My ED shifted from anorexia to EDNOS to binge-eating, but the core truth I needed to know and experience at a deep gut level at EVERY stage of my ED was that I had worth and value as a person irrespective of my problematic disordered eating behaviours. Not knowing this kept me stuck in one form of ED or another for years. Discovering this truth as a reality, set me free to face and manage life from a whole new platform. The foundations of my life shifted from conditional worth and value to unconditional worth and value. I am loved. So are you. Experiencing this truth at a deep core level is healing and transformative. When our human relationships fail (as they must because we are fallible, flawed and finite), this Truth remains and because the truth-giver is a personal and infinite God, in relationship with Him I have found the safest and surest place I know…and it continues to transform my life.