i heart life: The How-To of Spiritual Living

i heart life: The How-To of Spiritual Living

Latest Episodes

EP26: Body Clutter
September 15, 2013

Everywhere you look, you can see manifestations of body clutter. Even when you look at yourself. There is obesity, anorexia, alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, self-mutilation, and so much more that is the result of body clutter. Is it safe to say there'

EP25: Perception Is Reality
September 08, 2013

Perception is reality. Our world is what we make it out to be; what we tell ourselves it is. Just by thinking we see, hear, smell, taste, or touch a thing helps create this reality we live in. So our experience is our reality. And what creates the experie

EP24: Mental Clutter
September 01, 2013

We've all heard them, the voices in our heads. The ones that won't shut up and keep us riding this emotional roller coaster (and yelling "stop" doesn't help). How do we calm that mental chatter and bring more peace and presence into our lives? There are m

EP23: Power of Thought
August 25, 2013

We are walking zombies; every day engulfed in a full on trance, constantly thinking about what just happened that caused us pain or humiliation, what's about to happen that could cause us pain or humiliation, and what has to happen next in order to preven

EP22: Affirmations
August 17, 2013

What is an affirmation? How do you create one? What's an effective way to use affirmations to change your life? What is the origin of affirmations and how did this practice come to be? There's so much to learn about affirmations and more so in the way tha

EP21: ‘Conversation About Life’ Q&A
August 11, 2013

Today we're answering a question about meditation. The question is: I struggle with sitting still, I’m a runner and I like to keep a busy schedule—makes me feel productive. How can I settle down and sit still in order to meditate? Learn more about med

EP20: Failure Is…
August 04, 2013

We can't talk about success without addressing failure. What is failure? What's keeping you stuck in failure? Why is it that everything is a struggle? If you believe you're a failure, you're a failure. We set ourselves up for either course, success or fai

EP19: Success Is…
July 28, 2013

What is success? We all want to be successful, but what does that mean? How do you define success for yourself? What is the indicating factor that you've finally arrived? Is your definition something you came up with or a definition you read somewhere? Ar

EP18: Regret & Acceptance
July 21, 2013

What is regret? What is acceptance? They are our gauge for how we're experiencing each moment. Our quality of experience is contingent on which of these we exercise at any moment. Regret leaves us stuck in the past and causes us to justify, complain, harb

EP17: Judgment
July 13, 2013

How would it feel to make peace with the past, forgive who you were way back when and allow your growth to unfold as it may? That would require you to stop judging the past! Would that feel nice, not to be judged anymore? Well, as much as you make others