If You Really Knew Me

Latest Episodes
Episode 45 - “Love Thy Co-worker” (Part 2)
How well do you get along with your co-workers? Understanding each other's motivation is KEY to having a great work relationship with team members.
Episode 44 - “Love Thy Co-worker” (Part 1)
Do you find it difficult to get along with your co-workers? Sometimes it may even seem like you’re on different planets.
Episode 43 – Christmas Conversations
How do you handle Christmas each year? Do you enjoy shopping and being around lots of people? How are you at giving and receiving gifts? Discover how The Bridge Staff handle their holiday...
Episode 42 - Reflections of God - Peace Type 9
Delve into the core traits, strengths, and challenges faced by Type 9 individuals, aptly named the Peacemakers.
Episode 41 - Special Guest - Jeremy Rosado
Ben and Kim sit down with Bridge artist Jeremy Rosado to learn how his personality type shines through his music and all he does.
Episode 40 - Reflections of God - Strength and Protection of God Through a Type 8
This month, Ben and Kim share personal stories of God’s strength and protection AND how we can learn to reflect these characteristics of God.
Episode 39 - Special Guest - Beth McCord - Enneagram for Moms
If you’ve ever struggled with mom-guilt or constantly compared yourself to other parents, you won’t want to miss this month’s podcast episode of If You Really Knew Me.
Episode 38 - Special Guest - Tyler Zach - Devotions for Each Type
If You Really Knew Me welcomes back Tyler Zach. A pastor, homeschool dad, and author of 9 amazing devotionals; one for each Enneagram type. Learn how this Jesus-focused set of devotionals is impacting so many.
Episode 37 - Special Guest - Christina Kosters, Capitol Christian Music Group
Ben and Kim enjoy a fun and engaging conversation with Christina at Capital Records and walk her through figuring out her personality type and the motivations behind what she does.
Episode 36 - Special Guest - Season Bowers - The Joy Bringer
If you attended The Bridge’s Bring the Joy ladies conference in January, you won’t want to miss this month’s podcast episode of If You Really Knew Me as Ben and Kim sit down with author, speaker and Joy Bringer, Season Bowers.