I Didn't Know That!

I Didn't Know That!

Latest Episodes

Fixity of Species, Creation is Not Science, Monkeys Typing Away, Dawkins and the Fossil Record
April 06, 2010

Fixity of Species, Creation is Not Science, Monkeys Typing Away, Dawkins and the Fossil Record

Lanugo, Extra Virgin Birth, Authenticity of the Bible, Deity of Christ
April 01, 2010

Lanugo, Extra Virgin Birth, Authenticity of the Bible, Deity of Christ

Multiverse and Design Arguments, Traducianism, Noah's Flood
March 30, 2010

Multiverse and Design Arguments, Traducianism, Noah's Flood

Dimensions, Hell, Eternal Universe
March 25, 2010

Dimensions, Hell, Eternal Universe

Can We Trust Science?, Jesus' Death and Resurrection, God Enjoying Creation, Asteroid Belt
March 23, 2010

Can We Trust Science?, Jesus' Death and Resurrection, God Enjoying Creation, Asteroid Belt

Kingdoms given to Lucifer, Rewards and Punishment, DNA Marker for Humans, Albert Schweitzer
March 18, 2010

Kingdoms given to Lucifer, Rewards and Punishment, DNA Marker for Humans, Albert Schweitzer

Books about Early Humans, Romans 8 and Entropy, Baptism and the Moral Will of God, DNA Merger
March 16, 2010

Books about Early Humans, Romans 8 and Entropy, Baptism and the Moral Will of God, DNA Merger

Native Americans and the RTB model, Animal DNA bottleneck, pre-Adamites, God did it so shut up
March 11, 2010

Native Americans and the RTB model, Animal DNA bottleneck, pre-Adamites, God did it so shut up

A Sensible Approach to Climate Change, Part 4
March 09, 2010

I Didn't Know That Special Edition: A Sensible Approach to Climate Change (Part 4 of 4) - with special guest climatologist Kevin Birdwell

A Sensible Approach to Climate Change, Part 3
March 04, 2010

I Didn't Know That Special Edition: A Sensible Approach to Climate Change (Part 3 of 4) - with special guest climatologist Kevin Birdwell