I Didn't Know That!

I Didn't Know That!

Latest Episodes

Number of Prayers?; Chromosome II? Pre-flood Exploration? Best "Young Earth" Resources?
October 12, 2010

Is God convinced by large numbers of prayers? How many templates does God have? What are the best "young earth" resources? And why didn't the flood peep's head for the hills

Not Mosquitoes? Good or a Perfect Ceation? Why Not Theistic Evolution?
October 05, 2010

If not mosquitoes then what? you sure you're right? What's the difference between a good or perfect creation? Why not theistic evolution?

Are you guys evolutionary theists?; Or will it be special creation?; Are you dancing deceptively?
September 28, 2010

Is RTB evolutionary theists?; Will it be a special creation?; ICR and RTB dancing deceptively

What's a DeSitter universe?; Can you live with apparent age?; Does entropy equal earthquakes?; Is Higgs-Boson another name for God?
September 21, 2010

DeSitter universe, Apparent age, Earthquakes as manifestation of entropy, Higgs-Boson as God

Did whales evolve?; Has RTB's model been peer-reviewed?; Could the Nephilim have been Neanderthals?
September 14, 2010

Evolution of whales, peer-review of RTB, Nephilim as Neanderthals?

Were Adam and Eve Germanic, black or asian?; Could there be silica-based life somewhere in the cosmos?; Could the Garden of Eden serpent have been an E.T.?
September 07, 2010

Race of Adam and Eve, Silica-based life in the cosmos, Garden of Eden serpent an E.T.?

Miracle dilemma, universe's complex shape, Cambrian creations, God's natural laws
August 31, 2010

Disagree on miracles, universe's dimensions, Cambrian explosion, creation and natural laws

Flood and aging, evolving vegetation, population bottleneck, cuddling up to carnivores
August 24, 2010

Aging before and after flood, plant evolution, genetic bottleneck, Isaiah 65:25

Attacks on the Big Bang, Speed limits on Light?, Early moon, Free or not?
August 17, 2010

Attacks on the Big Bang, Speed limits on Light?, Early moon, Free or not?

Archaeological quandary, Curvy Space, Seasonal day illusion, Land of the giants
August 10, 2010

Archaeology no help?, Space curvature, Longest and shortest days, Giants