The Idea Climbing Podcast

The Idea Climbing Podcast

The Importance of Altruism in Business with Sandy Gennaro

January 18, 2023

Episode 70!

Altruism can be a powerful force in your life if you understand how to practice it. That’s what I discuss with my guest, Sandy Gennaro. Sandy Gennaro is a world-class speaker/drummer/author/coach who has recorded and toured with several globally known artists.

First, you need to think outside of yourself and always be willing to help other people. When you help somebody in a positive way it comes back to you. Having a positive mindset is how you can beat the odds in business and in life. Always be on the outlook for ways to service other people, even if it’s a simple act like putting a smile on someone’s face in the line at the supermarket. Here’s an example of what a small act of kindness can do for your life.

The Ripple Effect and “Dave in the Doorway”

One small action today can create a ripple effect that changes your life down the road. Such is the story of “Dave in the Doorway”. Sandy was playing a gig in 1981 when he noticed someone standing outside his dressing room with a camera and a pen. On that particular night Sandy was in a rush to get on the tour bus because the band had a long overnight drive ahead of them. Sandy could have, with good reason, blown Dave off and rushed out to the bus. Instead, Sandy acknowledged Dave, let him know he was in a hurry, and asked “What can I do for you?”. Dave asked for an autograph and a picture with Sandy. Then Dave asked Sandy to help him get a gig in New York. Sandy kindly said he would need to hear an example of Dave playing first. He gave Dave his card with his phone number and home address and headed out to the bus.

Two years later Dave reached out again. He was working with an up-and-coming singer and wanted Sandy to join the band. The singer was Cindy Lauper, who’s first album sold over six million copies. Sandy ended up touring with her and that tour also led to more opportunities, including meeting his future wife. The details and more great stories are in the podcast.

In this episode we also discuss:

  • Why altruism is more than random acts of kindness, it’s a way of life.
  • How to jumpstart altruism in your life.
  • How to maintain your enthusiasm and giving nature in the face of adversity.
  • Why who you surround yourself with determines where you go in life.
  • …and other golden nuggets of advice!

You can get my book “Idea Climbing: How to Create a Support System for Your Next Big Idea” here!

Get the Idea Climbing book here!





About The Guest








Sandy Gennaro is a world-class speaker/drummer who has recorded/toured with several globally known artists including three members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame during a career that spans 56 years and continues today.

Sandy now uses the lessons he’s learned surviving the murky, shark-infested waters of the Music Business to help organizations large and small identify and offer solutions to issues regarding leadership, change management, employee retention, longevity, motivated engagement, customer service, brand loyalty, team building, and sales. He has helped businesses and student bodies create a thriving culture as a launching pad for heightened success in business, relationships, and life. He incorporates his unforgettable behind-the-scenes stories to drive home his proven concepts to create Rockstar Performance in every arena.

Sandy has been recognized by Vistage International as one of the Top New Speakers of 2021 and is proud to announce the release of his book entitled “BEAT THE ODDS in Business and Life”.

He enjoys Family Time, SCUBA diving, The Yankees, photography and raising money for the Scott Hamilton CARES Cancer Foundation.

You can connect with Sandy here: and on LinkedIn