The Idea Climbing Podcast

The Idea Climbing Podcast

The Power of Gratitude with David George Brooke

October 05, 2022

Episode 64!

The big idea in this episode is the power of gratitude. That’s what I discuss with my guest, David George Brooke. David AKA That Gratitude Guy, has been a speaker, coach, and best-selling author for over 25 years.  He is a former Nordstrom store manager and has managed in the corporate world for over 30 years.

After going through losses of loved ones and chasing the dream of becoming a motivational speaker, David struck out on his own at 62 years of age. He started writing in a gratitude journal every day.  Gratitude helped him so much that he decided that would be the niche he would speak about.

In 10 years of being a motivational speaker David has done around 800 talks about gratitude. His story exemplifies that it’s never too late to do what you love.

How can people bring gratitude into their lives on a consistent basis? The overarching theme is what David refers to as a gratitude practice. It starts with believing that you’re going to see the glass half full instead of half empty. This includes thinking positively, the gratitude mindset, meditation and more. Each morning David makes time for what he calls the “power hour”. He gets up, gets ready for the day, and then heads to his office. He first writes in his gratitude journal, then he heads into the living room for meditation and stretching.

The happy parts of the brain light up when you’re writing about things that you’re grateful for. It helps to focus on what you have instead of what you don’t have.

For a bigger picture of gratitude in your life you need to be aware of who you’re hanging out with. To do this David keeps track of what he calls the association evaluator. About once a year you should stop and consider the relationships you have in your life. Then you write down zero, one or two people that you should disassociate with. The same for people that you should limit your association with, people that you should enhance your association with and people that you could mentor or that could mentor you.

In this episode we also discuss:

  • How to end toxic relationships.
  • More benefits of writing in a gratitude journal and how to get started.
  • How to increase your gratitude every day.
  • …and more golden nuggets of advice!

About The Guest








David George Brooke – That Gratitude Guy, has been a speaker, coach, and best-selling author for over 25 years.  He is a former Nordstrom store manager and has managed in the corporate world for over 30 years.


His published works include “That Gratitude Guy’s Daily Gratitude Journal”, “Monday Morning Minutes: 100 Messages of Gratitude”, “Six-Word Lessons to Embrace Gratitude” and a number of other books on gratitude.


As a result of his passion for gratitude he has presented over 850 speeches & workshops in the past 9 years, including over 100 Zoom presentations in the last 18 months during the pandemic. He travels nationally and internationally to deliver this important message.


He has over 1700 gratitude videos on YouTube, and over 1500 subscribers. Thousands have seen his message, and he is now considered a leading authority on how living a life of gratitude can enhance and improve your life both personally and professionally.

He resides in Seattle, Washington.

Gratitude Turns What You Have Into Enough”



“A gratitude practice can help you to navigate the sometimes choppy-waters of life by focusing on all of your blessings and abundance”
