The Idea Climbing Podcast

The Idea Climbing Podcast

How to Manifest Great Things in Your Life With Colin Sprake

June 29, 2022

Episode 56!

The topic of “manifesting success” came up recently during a conversation with Colin Sprake. Since 2004, Colin has helped hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and their families make lasting changes in their personal and professional lives.

Colin believes that we are manifesting all the time. Sometimes we’re manifesting what we do want sometimes we’re manifesting we don’t want. This happens because what focus on is what we vibrate internally which determines what we receive externally in the world around us. It’s important to realize that you need to focus on manifesting what you really want in your life and not spend time thinking about what you’re worried about. You can do this by practicing changing your vibration.

You can get started with studying and leveraging this formula: Your thoughts lead to feelings that lead to actions that lead to results. People often try to improve their lives by positive affirmations. The trouble is that positive affirmations don’t work if they’re coming from your head and not your heart. You need to be emotionally attached to them and believe what you’re asking for will happen. It’s about the words that you’re using and the things that you’re thinking that impact your vibration internally. Two ways to shift your inner vibration are through meditation and visualization. That will change your frequency, which is like using a radio – a small shift in frequency changes from one station to another. You can shift to a productive and happy frequency. You need to pay attention to every thought that you’re thinking and every word that you say because everything has a frequency.

One roadblock people often put up for themselves is always wanting more. The feelings associated with want are actually feelings of lack. When you’re vibrating lack all you will get is “less of” in your life. How can you change this? With gratitude. For example, if you have a book launch coming up don’t focus only on what you want, focus much more on how grateful you are for every step of the launch process and your launch will go even better.

We also discuss:

More about the power of gratitude and how to practice it.
How to “feel it to reveal it”.
Why it’s not about what you know, it’s about who you are.
How to stop self-sabotage.
How to meet the right people at the right time to change the arc of your business.
…and more golden nuggets of advice!

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About The Guest









Since 2004, Colin Sprake has helped hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and their families make lasting changes in their personal and professional lives. He’s been privileged enough to speak on Tony Robbins’ stage, and present with ack Canfield, John Assaraf, Joe Dispenza, JJ Virgin, Les Brown, Marcia Weider, and countless other global thought leaders.

He is a 4 times best-selling author and business mentor with a proven track record of personally building profitable companies from the ground up. He’s an extremely passionate and engaging presenter that specializes in mindset, realizing personal potential, and is an absolute genius at business strategy and scaling.

Connect with Colin on LinkedIn here