The Idea Climbing Podcast

The Idea Climbing Podcast

How to Successfully Network and Build Your Business in the Era of COVID-19 – Idea Climbing™ Podcast Episode 19 With Sonny Sultani

August 26, 2020

The networking landscape has DRASTICALLY changed. We’re not seeing our clients, potential clients or people that we want to get to know in person anymore. We’re at home and we’re trying to make networking work from behind a screen. That’s a BIG challenge if you’re the type of person that’s used to shaking hands and having lunch meetings. There are things you can do instead, and that’s what I discuss with B2B digital marketing agency Founder and CEO Sonny Sultani in this episode.

Advice for People That NEED to Be Networking

There’s no better safety net than a good network at this moment. You need to foster your existing network AND create new connections. Everyone wants to have some kind of human connectivity again, so give it to them!

You can even have fun with it. Have virtual coffee meetings. Send somebody a bag of coffee and say, “I want to get to know you, can we hop on a Zoom call?”

Important point: Resist the urge to sell something to everyone that you connect with, this isn’t the time to be doing that. What can you do instead? Be a resource to people. Everyone needs resources right now; we’re all trying to navigate something that we’re not quite sure of. In addition to sharing ideas one way to be a resource to people is to promote THEM and not just yourself. One of Sonny’s client’s posts about the people that he’s meeting with during these hard times. He goes onto LinkedIn and shares something like “I just met with Bill Smith, he’s an amazing management consultant that you should get to know” and he tags them in the post. That is a phenomenal way to start an online conversation today, wouldn’t you agree?

Now is the PERFECT Time to Be Networking, Here’s Why and How

There are directors, Vice-Presidents, Founders and CEOs amongst other busy people that would have never had the time to talk with you six months ago. This is a prime time to get people on the phone that previously wouldn’t have had time for you, take advantage of it.

Leverage your current network by having them introduce you to new people, there’s nothing like a warm introduction. Promise NOT to sell anything on the first call, just focus on getting to know the other person. The challenge is that many people aren’t used to sitting in front of a screen and asking for stuff. They’re more comfortable when they’re face to face. The best replacement for that, as most of the world has discovered, is to set up video meetings. It’s the next best thing and it’s easier than ever to leverage video services in lieu of in person meetings.

Listen In!

Other topics that we discuss in this podcast include…

How to ask for referrals and new connections during virtual meetings
How to ask potential clients for meetings (and GET the meetings) without trying to sell them anything immediately
Why now is the perfect time for introverts to go head to head with extroverts in terms of filling their sales pipeline and how to do it
How to get potential clients to know, like and trust you so that you’re the person they go to when budgets start opening up
The ONE thing that you NEED to do now to drive business before the opportunity disappears
…and more golden nuggets of actionable advice!

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About The Guest

Sonny Sultani is the Founder and CEO of 120/80, a digital marketing agency specializing in growth for B2B and Professional Services. Prior to 120/80, Sonny held positions including CEO, Chief Creative Officer, and VP of various companies in the creative, technology, and marketing space. With 20+ years of experience, what makes Sonny unique is his ability to navigate a variety of businesses and understand the challenges to grow a company.
