The Idea Climbing Podcast

The Idea Climbing Podcast

How to Use Video to Create Bingeworthy Buying Experiences – Idea Climbing™ Podcast Episode 12 With Todd Hartley

June 03, 2020

Using videos for marketing purposes is a hot topic. How can you create a successful marketing campaign that turns into dollars for your bottom line? That’s what I recently discussed with the CEO of WireBuzz, Todd Hartley.

Todd has been leveraging video for marketing purposes for over 15 years. His first project generated over 36 million unique visitors a year on zero ad dollars.

How Long?

One hot topic in the video world is video length. How long should your marketing videos be? It depends upon the product or service. How long does it take you to explain your product or service compellingly and in the most succinct way possible? That’s how long your video should be.

People tend to think that everything has to be short because people’s attention spans are shorter. That’s true if you just want to grab someone’s attention for a minute. Unfortunately, people don’t buy because of short videos. Short videos should only be used as teasers that get people to watch your next, longer video.

If you’re trying to get someone to purchase from you longer videos outperform shorter videos every time. What is longer? 10 minutes, 14 minutes or 30 minutes. In the case of infomercials an hour works. Infomercials convert viewers into buyers at a much higher rate than short videos.  The lesson here: Don’t be afraid to make longer videos.

With regards to short attention spans – attention spans are selective. They’re selective to buyers. Todd doesn’t watch knitting videos on YouTube, but his mother eats them up. Why? Because she’s a buyer. They provide value to her and help her make buying decisions. That’s what your videos should do.

3 Indisputable Laws of Using Video to Create Bingeworthy Buying Experiences

They’re all related, and they’re all taught to us on a daily basis by Netflix.

1) It must be personalized and relevant. If a video comes on about your favorite topic, it grabs your attention. One size fits all videos don’t work.

2) It needs to be on demand. People need to be able to watch your videos when the time is appropriate for them.

3) It needs to be bingeable. You need to structure the information so somebody goes down that “rabbit hole” and they binge all the way through it. You can’t do that with a 30 second video.

Listen In!

Todd shares, in detail:

How to successfully apply all three laws to the videos that you produce
The #1 thing that you MUST do to create successful bingeworthy buying experiences
How to get your prospects to experience clarity because that’s when they become a buyer
How to turn your videos into sales machines
How to answer late stage buying questions
…and more!

About the Guest


Today my guest is Todd Hartley, the founder and CEO of WireBuzz. Embracing the power of video early on, Todd has spent the last decade mastering video marketing. In 2010, he created WireBuzz to help businesses amplify sales, reach marketing goals, and dominate the competition with video.

In this episode we’ll discuss what it takes to make a successful business video, 3 Indisputable Laws of Using Video to Create Bingeworthy Buying Experiences, how to turn your videos into sales machines and more.