IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Editorial: Keep The Debt Ceiling, But Cut Spending 7.18.11
July 19, 2011

Budget: Amid the debate over raising the debt ceiling, a rating agency suggests a simple solution: Get rid of debt ceilings entirely. This is a bad idea sure to lead to a vast expansion of government and European-style stagnation. Moody's, the debt-ratin

Massachusetts Mess 7.18.11
July 19, 2011

Failure: ObamaCare is supposed to increase health coverage and slow spending. The promises of RomneyCare in Massachusetts were the same. But it has neither brought universal coverage nor contained costs. The failure of former Gov. Mitt Romney's health ca

Obama-Contra 7.18.11
July 19, 2011

Scandal: Democrats who condemned our support of Nicaraguan freedom fighters in the '80s now ignore administration gun-running that may have put American weapons in the hands of the Central American MS-13 gang. As if "Project Gunrunner" and "Operation Fas

Going Soft On Greece 7.18.11
July 19, 2011

Diplomacy: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sunday praised Greece for its economic policy "leadership." Wait a minute: Isn't this the country that lied to its creditors and has just stuck U.S. taxpayers with an IMF bailout? Greece is such a wretched

Editorial: No, Americans Don't Want Higher Taxes 7.15.11
July 16, 2011

Budget: Four of five Americans are "sold" on higher taxes to solve the deficit impasse, according to President Obama. Either he's deceiving himself or he completely misunderstands how the public really feels. The president on Thursday cited a recent Gall

A Cyber-Pearl Harbor On Horizon? 7.15.11
July 16, 2011

Security: The Pentagon has disclosed perhaps the largest theft of sensitive data by an unnamed foreign government. The threat to our electronic infrastructure is real, growing and as dangerous as a North Korean missile. In outlining America's cyberwarfar

Less Loved Than Ever 7.15.11
July 16, 2011

Diplomacy: Americans were told — repeatedly — in 2008 that Barack Obama's election as president would mark a shift in how the U.S. was viewed around the world. As it turns out, that was true. In accepting the nomination of his party in 2008, candidat

Crowding Out Growth 7.15.11
July 16, 2011

Slumping: The U.S. economy isn't expanding at the rate that Americans have come to expect. Could it be that government has grown to the point that it has left no room for the private sector? Some economists think so. A federal machine already too big has

The Green Economy Withers 7.14.11
July 16, 2011

Energy: Even after fudging numbers and ignoring the huge subsidies, a liberal think tank reports that growth in the alternative-energy sector lags the rest of the economy. Green jobs were supposed to be our salvation, both for the earth and for the econo

An Industry Maligned 7.14.11
July 16, 2011

Politics: The president won't let go of his obsession with the corporate jet tax break. Eliminating the tax break is fine. But there's no excuse for using the bully pulpit to beat up an industry struggling to recover. Six times in his June 29 news confer