IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Hike Taxes, Hemorrhage Jobs 8.24.11
August 24, 2011

States: As another manufacturer leaves, Illinois leads the nation in job loss in July. The free fall began with a tax hike. When will liberals learn when you tax something, you get less of it? The states were envisioned by the Founding Fathers as islands

Abolish Affordable Housing Charter 8.24.11
August 24, 2011

Subprime Scandal: The White House wants to keep Fannie and Freddie around to subsidize "affordable housing." But why? Affordability has rarely been better for first-time homebuyers. Recent data undercut the White House's claim that the failed, government

Editorial: It Really Was The Spending, Stupid 8.23.11
August 23, 2011

Big Government: The Tea Party has so influenced the national discourse that the question is no longer, "Is spending really the problem?" Now it's: "Which kind of government spending is worst?" Washington may just have felt a taste of what life on the Lef

A Free-Speech Victory 8.23.11
August 23, 2011

Regulation: As the FCC puts the final stake through the heart of the "fairness doctrine," it's important to remember who supported this blatantly anti-free-speech rule. Hint: It wasn't "narrow-minded" Republicans. As part of President Obama's effort to s

Biden Endorses 'One Child' Policy 8.23.11
August 23, 2011

Population: The vice president gives a thumbs up to Beijing's policy of sustainable growth through forced population control. This is no gaffe. The White House endorses this policy. Just ask the president's science adviser. We are used to the "mouth that

Sucker-ing California 8.23.11
August 23, 2011

Junk Science: Environmental debate is often framed as a conflict of progress vs. conservation. But in California, a federal environmental agency's bid to halt local conservation efforts reveals the real objective: expanding power. Twelve state and local

Yellow Journalism 8.22.11
August 22, 2011

Media: Just days before the U.S.-Colombia free trade pact heads for a vote, the Washington Post publishes a story claiming Colombia's miracle is a sham. This is a smear unworthy of the name "journalism." Topping the front page in its Sunday edition with

Who'll Lead Libya After Gadhafi? 8.22.11
August 22, 2011

Arab Spring: As rebel forces pour into Libya's capital of Tripoli and consolidate their hold on power, Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi's time is up. Now the only real question is will he be replaced by something far worse? It's easy to cheer on the Liby

Editorial: As Failures Grow, Obama Blames Others 8.22.11
August 22, 2011

Politics: In his weekly radio address and elsewhere over the weekend, President Obama blamed Republicans for "holding back" the recovery by blocking his still-MIA jobs plan. This wins the prize for Oval Office hubris. He's even questioning the "patriotis

EPA's Looming Blackouts 8.22.11
August 22, 2011

Energy: It won't matter which light bulbs we use as the administration's implementation of cross-state pollution rules shuts down coal plants across the country. Where will the jobs be when the lights go out? It's called the Cross-State Pollution Rule, a