IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Editorial: Blaming Banks For Gov't Failure 9.6.11
September 06, 2011

Capital: Washington's $30 billion shakedown suit against already weak banks is a dangerous move. It could push some banks off a cliff only to have to bail them out all over again. The Federal Housing Finance Agency on Friday sued 17 big banks to recover

Civility Goes Out The Window 9.6.11
September 06, 2011

Incivility: Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa Jr. introduced President Obama to union hordes by declaring war on the Tea Party and offering him an army against Republicans. Why no condemnation from "The Great Uniter"? When President Obama held a rally at a spor

Why The Bias Matters 9.6.11
September 06, 2011

Journalism: That the media reek of liberal bias has been proved so many times in so many ways it's now axiomatic. Less certain is whether that bias affects public opinion. Now comes a study that says it does — big time. How big? Well, if not for the bi

SolarGate 9.6.11
September 06, 2011

Corruption: A top bundler and major investor in a now-bankrupt green company made multiple White House visits before he got a guaranteed stimulus loan that the administration monitored to ensure it was granted. During the Clinton administration, when the

No New Jobs Means No New Growth 9.2.11
September 06, 2011

Employment: Friday's report that the economy netted no new jobs in August was more than another nasty news bit. It suggests we may be slipping back into a recession as Democrats double down on failure. Zero net new jobs last month and a downward revision

Cost Of Clean Air 9.2.11
September 06, 2011

Regulation: In some good news for a change, the federal rules machine that continuously throws up roadblocks to economic growth has missed a beat. Now for the bad news: The machine's still running. On the Friday before Labor Day, a moment he hoped his gr

A $4.2 Bil Subsidy For Illegals? 9.2.11
September 06, 2011

The Law: If the federal government had actually wanted to encourage illegal immigration, wouldn't a big tax credit be the way to bring them in? Lucky us, that's what the IRS is doing — and with our money. A blistering Treasury Department audit released

Pay More To Get Less? 9.2.11
September 06, 2011

Education: Paying teachers $150,000 salaries will transform public schools, promises Education Secretary Arne Duncan. Would a better-paid crew have saved the Titanic as it was sinking? In a recent address titled "Working Toward 'Wow,'" delivered to the N

Will This 'Major' Jobs Speech Be Any Different Than Others? 9.2.11
September 06, 2011

Economy: Democrats hope the president will deliver big, bold ideas in his much-hyped jobs speech. But why should this one be different from his other "major" jobs speeches that consisted only of stale, failed ideas? For more than two years the president

Editorial: Is Gov. Perry Smart? His Record Says Yes 9.1.11
September 01, 2011

Politics: Liberals and their water-carriers in the media are trying mightily to characterize Republican front-runner Rick Perry as less intelligent than the president they're bent on re-electing. But who are the dumb ones here? Denigrating an opponent's