IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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No News Is Gun News 10.05.11
October 06, 2011

Journalism: The administration's fast and furious response to one TV reporter's story on its gunrunning to Mexico raises no cries of "chilling effect" from mainstream media that have largely ignored the story. Silencers are mechanisms placed on the muzzl

Rubio Vs. Univision 10.05.11
October 06, 2011

Media: The president of Univision, the top Spanish-language network, made an apparent attempt to extort a TV appearance from Sen. Marco Rubio in exchange for not broadcasting dirt on a relative. Can it go any lower? Last July, representatives of the Flor

A Fee In His Bonnet 10.05.11
October 06, 2011

Financial Reform: Sen. Dick Durbin is urging Bank of America customers to take their business elsewhere. Is this what passes for statesmanship in America today? Durbin is upset that BofA is charging its debit-card customers a monthly $5 fee each. He call

We Radicalized Awlaki?! 10.04.11
October 04, 2011

War On Terror: As al-Qaida cues up a post-mortem screed by Anwar Awlaki, sympathetic media are doing their own martyring. They claim U.S. warmongering made the terror traitor angry. This is a pernicious lie, and demonstrably false. And the mainstream med

A Fed Chief's Advice 10.04.11
October 04, 2011

Fed Policy: Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke thinks the economy's on the edge, but doesn't want Congress to do anything that might imperil a recovery. So what should it do? It's been more than two years since the recession officially ended. Yet, speaking to Con

Alinsky Rules Return For Obama 10.04.11
October 04, 2011

Politics: The hippie horde attempting to mob and "occupy" Wall Street this week has a method to its madness. It's all about getting President Obama re-elected by employing classic Alinskyite tactics. At first glance, the latest protests staged by left-wi

Good For Canada And Us 10.04.11
October 04, 2011

Energy: Environmentalists are making a last stand against the Keystone XL pipeline with a scare campaign about groundwater. Time to review the facts and let the project proceed. The Obama administration gets a lot wrong, but it does seem to be getting mo

Mourning In America 10.04.11
October 04, 2011

Responsibility: The president admits that Americans are not better off than they were four years ago — a fact he can hardly deny. But he steadfastly refuses to own up and take blame for his policy failures. It was more than three decades ago, but the G

Indict Eric Holder 10.04.11
October 04, 2011

Scandal: A major-league pitcher was indicted for lying to Congress about steroid use. Administration memos show Eric Holder lied about what he knew about Fast and Furious and when he knew it. What's the difference? Somewhere, Scooter Libby must be scratc

Coming Soon: Kagangate 10.03.11
October 04, 2011

Supreme Court: Forget unconvincing liberal demands that Clarence Thomas recuse himself from the ObamaCare case because his wife is a Tea Partyer. Ex-Obama operative Elena Kagan has a true conflict. To buttress the flimsy case of leftist groups like Commo