IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Ukraine's Ruling, Russia's Benefit 10.11.11
October 11, 2011

Freedom: A Ukraine court's decision Tuesday to imprison Orange Revolution heroine and former Premier Yulia Tymoshenko on bogus charges over a gas deal she made with Russia is a travesty. Now only Russia can benefit. Ukraine's internal politics reared its

Killing A Religion 10.11.11
October 11, 2011

Intolerance: One of the most tragic results of our Middle East policy is that, along with all the money and lives squandered, we seem to be abetting the Muslim world in its efforts to kill off Christianity. A major religion representing nearly a third of

A Transparent Betrayal On Open Gov't 10.11.11
October 11, 2011

Secrecy: President Obama promised "a new era of open and accountable government." Now, amid scandals and an unlikely re-election, congressional allies want his documents locked away from historians and journalists. On his first day in office, Obama sent

Apologies Not Accepted 10.11.11
October 11, 2011

Leadership: Leaked cables show Japan nixed a presidential apology to Hiroshima and Nagasaki for using nukes to end the overseas contingency operation known as World War II. Will the next president apologize for the current one? The obsessive need of this

The Best Tax Plan: Spend Less 10.11.11
October 11, 2011

Politics: Is 9-9-9 good policy? Or does the answer even matter? Sweeping revenue reforms tend not to become law. Even if they do, the same old vices remain on the outlay side. Whatever happens to his candidacy, Herman Cain has made a real contribution to

A Solar Flare For The White House 10.10.11
October 10, 2011

Corruption: Government documents indicate that the White House plan to financially aid a failing green energy company might have been outside the law. The sun never sets on the Solyndra scandal. On Friday, while most of America was preparing for the week

Fast And Furious And Ugly 10.10.11
October 10, 2011

Scandal: The attorney general once again pleads ignorance as some 40 Fast and Furious weapons are found at a Mexican drug lord's home. If the AG doesn't read memos, maybe he can read a subpoena. After Eric Holder was involved in the pardoning of internat

A Pair Of (Nobel) Aces 10.10.11
October 10, 2011

Failed Policy: The Nobel Prize for Economics goes to two Americans who have separately exposed the flaws in government stimulus spending. For a Keynesian president, it's the Anti-Peace Prize. When President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize during

Editorial: Fannie, Freddie Threaten Taxpayers Again 10.10.11
October 10, 2011

Financial Crisis: While "Occupy Wall Street" tries to live up to its name, the real causes of our financial woes remain on America's balance sheet, unreformed and threatening trillions of dollars more in losses. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two govern

Dems' Stimulus Idea: More Regulations 10.10.11
October 10, 2011

Red Tape: Businesses might see the Obama administration's regulations as a millstone around the economy's neck. But Democrats say they've got it all wrong. Regulations create jobs, you see, and we need more of them. Last week, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif