IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Freddie Mac: A Bottomless Pit Of Taxpayer Losses? 11.03.11
November 04, 2011

Housing Crisis: Government mortgage company Freddie Mac lost an additional $6 billion in the third quarter and wants Congress to bail it out with taxpayers' money. How about dissolving the failed institution instead? Freddie Mac is an almost bottomless p

Keystone Pipeline Delay Puts Energy Future On Hold 11.03.11
November 04, 2011

Energy Policy: The president who often lets policy decisions be driven by others now says the pipeline to bring Canada's tar sands oil to America is his decision to make. So make it already, Mr. President. The administration's industrial policy of pickin

ObamaCare's Billions In Hidden Pork For Unions 11.03.11
November 04, 2011

Health Reform: How do you funnel billions of dollars to your union pals at a time when the government is running record deficits? Easy, you just tuck the money into ObamaCare. According to a new Government Accountability Office report, the federal govern

Is Greece The Lindsay Lohan Of Debtors? 11.02.11
November 02, 2011

Moral Hazard: By calling for a referendum on the European Union's bailout, Greece has essentially spit in the face of the very people trying to save it. It may be time to let Greece default and go its own way. The EU, at its own peril, keeps trying to he

White House Bonus Hypocrisy 11.02.11
November 02, 2011

Public Sector: When bailed-out private Wall Street banks handed out bonuses last year, the president threw a fit. So why is he ignoring the huge executive bonuses at government-owned Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Shortly after taking office, President Obam

Maxed Out 11.02.11
November 02, 2011

Taxes: Colorado voters have closed their wallets and told their state government to learn how to live within its means. It's a message that Washington should heed as well. When a swing state speaks, smart politicians listen. Colorado is one such state â€

7 Billion Is Overpopulated? It's Just A Start 11.02.11
November 02, 2011

Human Capital: Earth now has 7 billion people. Are we overcrowded? About to outstrip our resources? Should we prepare for the catastrophic population bomb we've been warned about? No, no and no. In 1968, a Stanford biologist named Paul R. Ehrlich wrote "

Say No To Supertaxes 11.01.11
November 01, 2011

Economic Policy: The mainstream media's caricature of the bipartisan budget "supercommittee" is that its Democratic members have gone overboard with concessions. In fact, Republicans can smell the snake oil. Whenever Washington sets up a "blue ribbon com

High-Speed Rail Goes Off The Track 11.01.11
November 01, 2011

Boondoggle Watch: A new business plan puts the cost of California's planned bullet train at nearly $100 billion. And air travel will still be three times faster. Time to stop this train before it leaves the station. When President Obama talks about how A

Draining Banks Is A Fool's Errand 11.01.11
November 01, 2011

Banks: Using the Guy Fawkes mask emblem of Occupy Wall Street and the "Anonymous" hacker group, leftists are planning a big Nov. 5 to-do to pull their money from big banks and put it into small banks. It's economic idiocy. Led by the likes of MoveOn.org,