IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

IBDeditorials.com Daily Podcast - Read by OutloudOpinion

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Strained By Its Debts, EU Is Breaking Up 11.11.11
November 12, 2011

Euro Zone: It's been clear for some time that the European Union is in deep trouble. But now even its own leaders admit something shocking: The EU, and its currency the euro, may soon be a thing of the past. The EU has had a troubled existence since the

Don't Stop Doubting 11.11.11
November 12, 2011

Climate: Just a few weeks ago, a formerly skeptical scientist made news when he changed his mind about global warming. If he looked at the new data a meteorologist has pulled up, he'd change it back again. Richard Muller, a physics professor at the Unive

Sticking Our Head In Tar Sands 11.11.11
November 12, 2011

Energy Policy: The administration plans to study rerouting the Keystone XL pipeline until after next year's election, delaying needed jobs and energy. By that time, Canada's oil will be on its way to China. That the American people are merely human sacri

GOP Candidates Need To Raise Their Game 11.10.11
November 11, 2011

Election '12: GOP presidential contenders are making a comedy of errors of what should be a cakewalk 2012 victory for the eventual nominee. With so much at stake, gaffes and misjudgments just aren't acceptable. 'Victory however long and hard the road may

West Does Nothing As Iran Goes Nuclear 11.10.11
November 11, 2011

Mideast: Official rumors have Israel attacking Iran's nuclear program sometime in the next month or so. If that turns out to be true, the Israelis will be doing the rest of the world a favor — though they'll never be thanked for it. Amid a flurry of mi

Still Factory Champs 11.10.11
November 11, 2011

Trade Myths: We've all heard them — the lament that we don't make anything in this country anymore and the escalating chorus that everything we buy is made in China. Both, however, are simply untrue. Stories such as the Business Insider's "18 Iconic Pr

Holder Lies Again 11.09.11
November 10, 2011

Scandal: Refusing to apologize to the family of a border patrol killed by a gun "walked" into Mexico, the attorney general hides his prior knowledge and blames Congress for not pushing gun control. Holder must reside in a parallel universe with an altern

Will Someone Tell Us What Herman Cain Did? 11.09.11
November 10, 2011

Scandal: After 10 days of saturation coverage by the media, we still don't definitely know any more about Herman Cain's alleged misdeeds than we did when Politico first broke the story. Media balance, anyone? Since breaking the sexual harassment story ab

The Grinch Tax 11.09.11
November 10, 2011

Government: Are taxes the answer to every business problem? The Obama administration's attempt to impose a 15-cent federal tax to "enhance the image of Christmas trees" is no way to persuade anyone to buy more trees. Resembling something out of the Onion

ObamaCare Falls In An Ohio Forest 11.09.11
November 10, 2011

Bias: The media are celebrating Ohio voters' rejection of GOP initiatives. Predictably, though, they are downplaying the fact that Ohio emphatically renounced ObamaCare. Why? It goes against the media's agenda. Casual consumers of the news would think th