I Am African by Verastic
Latest Episodes
Season 2 Is Coming!
My Sweet Potatoes!Season two is upon us! Need I say more? The real question is are you ready? Or ARE YOU READY?BEFORE YOU GO, PLEASE RATE AND LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS. THANK YOU!Let's connect:I Am African on InstagramI Am African on T
EP 19: Can Women Be Divorced And Happy?
Can women actually be divorced and happy? For some reason, being divorced and happy, especially for a woman, seems like it's mutually exclusive. I will not make the claim that all women are divorced and happy, but I can confidently say that any woman
EP 18: Emotional Resilience: How To Deal With Not Being Included FT. Ruth Marimo
"Vera, you're so strong!"I've practically heard this for as long as I can remember. I heard it most when I left my marriage. People congratulated me for being so strong, for having the audacity to walk out of a marriage that was trampl
EP 17: A Conversation With An Openly-Gay Nigerian Man FT. Edafe Okporo
"I believe in asking the difficult questions, starting the uncomfortable conversations, proposing outside-the-box solutions, and of course, shaking tables. No, breaking tables." Verbatim, these words are in the intro of the I Am African Podcast because...
EP 16: How Not To Say Yes When You Really Mean No
Even now, I'm wondering if How Not To Say Yes When You Really Mean No is the appropriate title for this. But it's too late to change it. The podcast has been recorded, edited, and published. Perhaps, what I really should have named it is How Not To...
EP 15: Never Have I Ever [A Life Not Lived - Yet]
I played a game of Never Have I Ever on Zoom for Uju's birthday in April, and it got me thinking about a whole lot. Although I knew it before, this game became living proof that indeed I need to stop being so safe and live already. There is so much I...
EP 14: On The Rape Culture In Nigeria ft. Omolara Oriye
Sweet Potatoes,So much is going on in the world right now. And I'm tired of starting sentences like this, but how can I be tired when some people have a worse fate? My fellow Nigerian women have been raped and killed with no repercussions to the rapist...
EP 13: Dear Africans, You're Black Too!
Today's episode is not a regular episode, and I am not a regular Vera today either. I was so angry recording this episode. When I was listening back to it, I felt bad for the Vera who recorded it. I was angry that some Africans still don't know that...
EP 12: On Patriarchal Cultural Norms That Don't Serve Women ft. Ola Bisi (Jopa's Daughter)
The longer I live, the more I learn. When I was a child, there were so many things that were normal to me. Now that I'm older and wiser, I know myself a lot better, and I realize that some of the things I thought were normal were actually patriarchal...
EP 11: On Remarrying After Divorce And Lessons Learned ft Mercedes Okwukogu
Mercedes Okwukogu is a woman to be admired. In the past three weeks, Nigerian Facebook has been greatly shaken. On Ola Bisi's Facebook wall, she started sharing stories of women who are divorced. She used the hashtag, #DivorceNotStigma, and I was one...