The HVAC Marketing Plan

The HVAC Marketing Plan

The Dirty Secrets of HVAC SEO in 2020 Revealed | The HVAC Marketing Plan Podcast

September 18, 2019

If there’s anything we’ve seen in the year 2019, it’s more of the same from sleazy HVAC SEO companies. We hear all sorts of stories and tales from contractors across the US, but a handful of common tactics seem to pop up pretty consistently. Tune in as Jason and Nolen discuss digital marketing red flags to avoid in 2020. Be sure to listen in if you’re looking to expand your HVAC business next year!

Useful Tips on HVAC SEO

* $300 a month simply can’t support sustained work on a website. * Stick with month to month pricing! Long term, flat fee contracts often backfire if your digital marketer isn’t motivated to perform.* SEO for HVAC should produce results within two to three months.

Tricks from SEO Companies

It’s a sad truth of our industry. The handful of well-intentioned, productive services often fall beneath the waves of sophisticated money grabbers. Experienced sales pros learn to sway businesses with high reaching claims and confusing verbiage. So many people get burned every year by shady SEO companies, that many HVAC contractors swear off online marketing altogether.

We don’t want that to happen for your business! After all, online marketing provides many valuable opportunities to connect with lifelong customers.

So let’s make sure that the sad tale of all these hardworking professionals is not your story in 2020. Below, we’ve outlined some of the most common tricks used by SEO companies to trick contractors. Learn these trends, then use the knowledge to weed out candidates for your HVAC marketing team.

Trick #1: The $300 Pricetag

Somewhere in the last decade, the $300 online marketing pricetag rose into popularity. It because so commonplace, that our team receives questions about it all the time. “These other HVAC SEO companies offer a $300 monthly package. Why don’t the Webmasters do the same?”

Because a package priced at $300 (or less) simply doesn’t work.

For such a small sum, digital marketers can’t afford to provide a comprehensive or sustained effort towards your website, let alone PPC campaigns and citations. Results continue to shrink as that price edges towards the $99 dollar threshold. How many experienced web designers do you think can produce a front page ranking site for less than $100? Zero.

$300 Per Month Will Not Cover All the Activities Necessary for Productive SEO.

Why the Low Price?

“That doesn’t make sense.” you might say. After all, why would a business advertise their services at such a low price if they can’t produce results at that rate? First, it’s easy for a company to buy a cheap (or even free) WordPress template and lightly customize it for a client. Second, they only have to accomplish enough work to convince the client that results are on the way.

A $300 package may also be used to coax a business into purchasing other services. More often than not however, the low price point simply covers a single “specialized” marketing service. Listen for fancy buzzwords that sound convincing, but don’t actually provide results.

Red Flag Phrases from Cheap SEO Companies

* “For only $300/month, I can provide website development,