The HVAC Marketing Plan

The HVAC Marketing Plan

Why Regular Work on Your Web Effort is Important | The HVAC Marketing Plan Podcast

July 29, 2019

When it comes to creating a functional HVAC SEO plan, many heating and cooling professionals settle for piecemeal strategies. Today, Nolen and Jason discuss why SEO is so often an all-or-nothing venture. Cohesive effort makes for lasting results. If your HVAC business struggles with creating traffic online or converting clicks into leads, be sure to listen closely!

Key Points to Listen For:

* SEO for HVAC requires consistent updates and fresh content.* HVAC SEO is a wholistic effort. Piecemeal plans fall flat.* Geotagged Reviews and Check-ins create fantastic growth potential.* SEO Solutions only work when they get used consistently.

Lining Up Your HVAC SEO Ducks

True or false: website content lasts forever. While old adages may suggest that whatever content you post online lasts forever, don’t listen to them. Your content may last as long as your domain does, but it could lose its potency long before then. In reality, websites need to to faithfully make SEO updates if they wish to keep ranking on the front page of Google Search results.

* “That’s okay. We post to our company blog every month. We’re fine!”* “But My HVAC company earns reviews for every job we complete.”* “When our site was created, we used a lot of hot keywords.”* “Our social media presence will keep us going indefinitely.”* “We’re enjoying fantastic success. We don’t need to make updates!”

At the HVAC Webmasters, we’ve heard all of these responses (and more). It comes from the mindset that one single element of SEO can carry the rest without any extra effort. Unfortunately, not even the most sophisticated blog, reviews platform, keyword strategy, or social media campaign can create lasting HVAC SEO success by itself. It takes a little bit of everything to preserve your rankings, especially for those ranking #1 in Google Search!

Why Lose Premium Listings By Failing to Complete Regular SEO Updates?

Your Key HVAC SEO Ingredients

The big list of SEO to-do’s is one we recite pretty often at HVAC Webmasters. If you’ve listened to our podcasts before, you’ll know that we’re very found of reviewing the basics of search engine optimization. What does it take for a heating and cooling professional to be successful online?

* Custom Website Development* Fresh Coding* Keyword-rich Pages* Blogging* Reviews (from a variety of sources)* Google My Business Listings* Citations* Social Media Presence

Remember, all of these activities contribute towards your overall online marketing success. There’s a natural order to these, which we’ll touch on later. The key is to create a cohesive plan for all these elements to work in harmony. That’s why HVAC contractors who rely on multiple vendors for their SEO updates so often experience muddied results.

Customer Questions Make for Great Blogging Topics!

HVAC SEO – A Winning Strategy

So how can you put together a functional SEO strategy and make it easier for your business to consistently rank for those hot keywords? As we mentioned earlier, there’s a natural order for optimization.