The Hustle Rebellion

The Hustle Rebellion

Latest Episodes

#11: Michael Chan: From a $250 cost per conversion to $50 in Facebook Ads
May 03, 2023

"What do the numbers actually tell you" Learn how Michael Chan, CEO of The Mathologists, has seen tremendous success with his Facebook ads using conversion rate optimization. He decreased his cost pe

#10: Who you need on your digital marketing team
May 01, 2023

"There were no results directly tied for what they were working on" I was having a chat with a client the other day who was frustrated with one of their VAs. He said... She is not fixing my website t

#9: Cate Kemp: Redesign your business around your value and purpose
April 26, 2023

"Let it Burn" Are you familiar with Cate Kemp, the cloud-based financial services expert? If you're looking to optimize your financial operations and grow your business, she has the expertise you need

#8: What you focus on grows
April 24, 2023

"I suddenly was sitting there going OH NO" Have you ever been guilty of being slack in your business on the things you help do for others? Heather realized this recently when considering signing up fo

#7: Rita Agoulian: Get the right team for the right tasks at the right time
April 19, 2023

"I like to be led by another person that knows what the hell they are talking about" Have you heard of LickYourPhone Media? If you like looking at delicious images and videos of food on Instagram cha

#6: Be careful what you’re looking for (you might find it)
April 17, 2023

"I see them that because they actually are everywhere?" If you see something everywhere, is it because it actually is? Heather thinks back to the time she got her first tattoo and how s

#5: Justin Herald: Don’t Aim Too High And Here’s Why…
April 12, 2023

"I don't have massive goals. I have daily goals. That's the only goal that I have, because then I can achieve that and if you do 365 of them, you're doing okay. It becomes attainable and then you can

#4: The 5 steps to live with more ease
April 10, 2023

"I lived in this terrible existence for so long as a business owner." Learn how I transformed my chaotic and anxiety-filled life by taking control back of my time. I used to be constantly stressed an

#3: Petar Lackovic: Overwhelmed? Feed the controllable
April 02, 2023

"Overwhelm just doesn't exist for me. I thrive in high pressure scenarios because I feed the controllables, not the uncontrollables. If you feed the uncontrollables that puts you in a downward spiral

#2: Are you being busy for busy’s sake because of bad systems?
April 02, 2023

"You don't have a grasp on systems, so you're busy being with stuff that shouldn't be worked on in your business anymore at this level of growth that you are in your business." I recently started the