Hunting Scratch Golf Show

Hunting Scratch Golf Show

A Better Way to Train with Matt Cooke from Game Like Training

November 02, 2015

In this episode we speak with Matthew Cooke from Game Like Training.

Matt initially failed high school but went to college and re-took high school classes, he passed. He then went on to a higher education college in which he graduated with a diploma in sports performance. After that Matt headed to University where he graduated with a degree in Sports Science & majored in Professional Golf. Matt is a founder of Game Like Training, a new method of golf training.

In this chat we speak about what the Game Like Training system is, how to use it in your own game and some great games you can play when training.

In This Episode You’ll Learn

What Game Like Training is
Matt’s background
Why Matt became a golf coach
The four key components of the Game Like Training System
The difference between block training and random training
A sample practice program you can use
What aspects of the game to focus on

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode

Game Like Training | Golf practice and training system | Matthew Cooke
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Huge thanks to Matt Cooke for joining us this week. Until next time!