Fate Sent Lemons

Fate Sent Lemons

Sadhvi Siddhali Shree: U.S Vet , Jain Monk , Film Maker on a mission to stop Traffic -- Human Trafficking

August 02, 2021

In this episode, Lisa and Shree talk about her life journey from being a US vet to a monk to a film maker and advocate for human trafficking. We talk about what sparked this movement for her , her mediums and what the journey was like for a first time film maker. We discuss her travels and how cultural, social issues change how human trafficking works. We debunk some human trafficking myths. And lastly we discuss how you can take action and make a dent in human trafficking.

If you loved this episode be sure to subscribe, review and follow us on all social media @fatesentlemons. Take you time to get to know Sadhvi Siddhali Shree's organization and take a moment to donate or share this story. With Gratitude, Bi.






