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Soul Matters in Education
Soul Matters in Education focuses on the importance of the inner life of children in both parenting and education. Caprice had the honor of reading the pre-publication manuscript of her good friend, E
Soul Matters in Education
Soul Matters in Education focuses on the importance of the inner life of children in both parenting and education. Caprice had the honor of reading the pre-publication manuscript of her good friend, E
Shadow Alchemy with Gitte Lassen
Shadow Alchemy Overview Gitte Lassen, a business coach to spiritual coaches, explains how focusing on energy mastery has created miraculous results in her life. Learn how she want from a broke spiritual seeker, to a powerful coach making over $100,
Uncovering Innate Mental Health with Dr. Bill Pettit
Uncovering Innate Mental Health Dr. Bill Pettit has been a student of medicine, psychiatry, physiology and neuroscience for over 50 years. In this illuminating conversation, he points to the simplicit
Galileo Homeschool Programs
Show Overview Kelly Davis shares her journey of going from Pennsylvania to Taiwan where she is the co-founder and Director of Education for Galileo which offers innovative, self-directed homeschool programs geared to modern, active families.
Real School Choice with Unschooling School
Show Overview What does real school choice look like? Creating a school within a school for free learners. Heather MacTaggart has been working to change the education system in Canada for 23 years. Sh
Instead of Schooling with Michael Maser & Caprice Thorsen
Show Overview Michael Maser interviews Caprice Thorsen about her new book: Instead of Schooling: Educating for Creativity, Resilience, & Happiness. Caprice shares her journey of 17 years of
Self Directed Education and Junto with Tomis Parker
Why do we train humans to be who they are not? Listen to Caprice and Tomis talk about self-directed education and the benefits to children and society. Tomis sees self-directed education, building trust-based relationships,
Praxis and Crash cofounder Isaac Morehouse
The relentless pursuit of freedom In this episode, I speak with Isaac Morehouse, founder of Crash and Praxis, about his relentless pursuit of freedom. Isaac shares how Crash.Co and Praxis guide young
Stress Free Learning and Homeschooling with Mariaemma Willis
In this episode, I speak with Mariaemma Willis about how to do stress free homeschooling and learning both in school and at home by focusing on a student's strengths and honoring learning differences. Take the Self Portrait© Power Traits Assessment...