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Galileo Homeschool Programs
Show Overview
Kelly Davis shares her journey of going from Pennsylvania to Taiwan where she is the co-founder and Director of Education for Galileo which offers innovative, self-directed homeschool programs geared to modern, active families. Galileo helps students build productive learning habits, become aware global citizens, and become job creators not desperate job fillers. Learn why Kelly is thrilled to have the opportunity to build a global school, where kids can learn and develop the best values from all cultures around the world.
Connect with Kelly, Galileo, and the 2020 Homeschooling Global Summit
Learn more about the homeschool programs offered by Galileo here.
Free 2020 Homeschooling Global Summit with 100 amazing sessions.
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Show Highlights
1:10 Learn how Kelly went from studying abroad to launching the Global Homeschooling Summit and then the innovative homeschool programs for ages 8-18 in the Galileo online school.
6:30 - Galileo is definitely not a school. It's a space where students can be accountable in what they are doing. It's where modern, active families and entrepreneurs can help their kids find their passions. Learn how students at Galileo connect with each other, set personal learning goals, and invest their day in self-directed learning, group projects, and clubs.
8:05 The three pillars of Galileo are global citizenship, entrepreneurship, and STEAM skills.
12:08 How Galileo makes creating the curriculum and unleashes students' intrinsic motivation and intramotivation between students.
18:00 Galileo uses technology to improve lives not limit them. It teaches students boundaries with technology and encourages them to get outside and play. Time online is to connect and converse.
25:20 The only Galileo class is English Literacy for emerging readers which uses Book Nook. Everything else is learned in clubs, nano degree programs, and self-directed learning.
29:00 There will be 4 entrepreneurship nano degree programs throughout the year and two levels of entrepreneurship clubs.
30:39 How Galileo is designed for job creators, not job fillers by helping them create value for themselves and doing work that fulfills them as a person.
31:50 The importance of human connection time that is built into Galileo.
37:00 Check out the Global Homeschooling Summit, it will help you decide if self directed learning is for your family. Galileo is not here to convince you.
42:13 Galileo takes over the management of self directed learning for parents and invites them to contribute from their interests and passions.
45:33 The Design Thinking nano degree is a great launch into entrepreneurship.
48:40 Galileo is hoping to have family retreats in Portugal, Mexico, and Bali if all goes well.
49:40 Educators who care about the whole student, not just the subject that needs to be accomplished in a classroom wall, and have online teaching experience are welcome to inquire with Galileo.
Want more Innovative Homeschool Programs?
Check out my latest book, Instead of Schooling: Educating for Creativity, Resilience, & Happiness and the extensive list of homeschool programs, self-directed learning schools, and resources