No Cogs

Praxis and Crash cofounder Isaac Morehouse
The relentless pursuit of freedom
In this episode, I speak with Isaac Morehouse, founder of Crash and Praxis, about his relentless pursuit of freedom. Isaac shares how Crash.Co and Praxis guide young people to make themselves the credential and by learning out loud, create value and prove it.
We talk about how the false belief that a college credential will get you a job leads young people down a high risk path that might not get them where they want to go. Praxis is one of the lowest risk paths to success, with the main risk being the social risk of people viewing you as not "normal".
Praxis helps young adults adopt a value creation mindset, build tangible skills, get support from a community of creators, and land their first job with a start-up company. Learn why the Praxis program is free to those who are admitted and what it takes to get into Praxis. Discover why now is the moment to burn your resume and use a more effective approach with Crash.
Connect with Isaac & Resources
Connect with Isaac Morehouse and find out more about Praxis and Crash.
Book that Isaac mentioned: Finite and Infinite Games by James Carse.
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1:22 - Freedom is a lived experience. You need a bit of taste of it to be motivated to make a change. From Ludwig Von Mises, three pre-conditions to human action: dissatisfaction for status quo, vision for something better, and belief you can get there.
3:30 - If you start with something that makes your life better and makes your more free, you'll want more of it without having to be intellectually convinced of something.
5:51 - The price you pay socially for taking your own path and not being "normal". Praxis is radically practical - not normal, and immensely practical.
7:51 - Live life on your own terms, so that when you struggle it's your choice.
8:50 - How to reduce the barriers to freedom.
10:14 - CEOs of startups say their biggest constraint to growth is finding good people.
11:15 - Isaac's experience of college was so strange. Why do people go to college? What is the connection between college and career success? Purchasing a signal for the job market. "I'm no average, not going to be any worse than anyone else here."
14:00 - What companies are really looking for when they hire someone for an entry level position (it's not a degree, GPA, or extra-curriculars).
15:50 - Why Praxis is designed the way it is. A net cost of $0 that increases the signal and teaches real skills. How it grew from 5 students to 120 each year.
18:20 - Why start-ups are the ideal place to have your first job.
21:20 - The quicker you learn what you don't like, the faster you will find what you love and where you can create value. The sooner you get real world experience the better.
22:30 - Follow your passion is not the best way to figure out your career. The subtractive method that Isaac recommends.
27:00 - How Praxis is the opposite of the schooled experience. Once the switch flips, people are on fire and start crushing it. It changes them forever. What's on offer is never having to worry about getting a job ever again.
28:20 - If you are someone who knows how to create value, learn on your own, and chase down your curiosity, that's the first step. The next step is to prove that you can add value.
30:10 - Why it's so important to learn out loud and work out loud. Praxis is all about helping you build your human capital and you're ability to create value.
33:00 - Crash helps poeple burn their resume and create tailored pitches to a short list of companies.
36:00 - How Praxis screens its applicants and admits 15% of them.
41:00 - One of the best elements and secret weapon of Praxis is the community of creators that help each other.
49:10 - As mastery increases, tolerance and appetite for risk and competition increases and actually improves performance.
55:15 - Isaac values education so much he thinks it is too importan...