Human Tech

Human Tech

Latest Episodes

David Travis Visits The Show
May 15, 2019

David Travis Visits The Show.

How To Present Research To Stakeholders
April 30, 2019

Some friendly advice about how to present research to stakeholders.

Rewards and Anti-Rewards
March 27, 2019

What is a reward? What about the opposite? What about punishment? We talk all about these fun things.

Journey Maps
March 20, 2019

Today's topic is journey maps.

Objects and Views
February 11, 2019

We talk all about the abstract idea of objects and views.

January 19, 2019

Are there best practices for chatbots? What is the difference between a chatbot and AI and inbound marketing generation?

The Return of Moore's Law
December 27, 2018

Intel is changing the game with a big announcement today. Guthrie poorly explains to Susan what this means, and why the hardware race is back on! Has UX flurished due to the recent hardware stall?

The ROI of User Research
December 02, 2018

Susan Weinschenk examines how to decide how much user research is enough, and how to think about and calculate the ROI of doing it.

Ylva Ostby Visits The Show To Talk About... What Again? Oh Right! Memory.
October 04, 2018

Ylva Ostby Visits The Show To Talk About... What Again? Oh Right! Memory.

Pamela Pavliscak Visits The Show To Talk About Emotional Design
September 14, 2018

AI is learning to read your emotions. Pamela Pavliscak tells us all about it.