HTTP 203

HTTP 203

Latest Episodes

I/O chat with Darin Fisher
June 12, 2018

How Chrome began.

I/O chat with Mariko Kosaka
June 05, 2018

How we got started on the web.

I/O chat with Rob "the bobdod" Dodson
May 28, 2018

Shipping new a11y features.

I/O chat with Monica Dinculescu
May 22, 2018

Informative mouth-words.

I/O chat with Dion Almaer & Ben Galbraith
May 20, 2018

The state of the union of the web.

Smooshes, WASMs, and conversational call stacks
April 16, 2018

Also quizzes, privilege, and screen readers.

Cooties, symbols, and shaders
March 14, 2018

Also webpack + workers, observables, and resize observers.

EventTarget, imports, and nudists
January 23, 2018

Also 120hz screens, JSON vs HTML, and a fox.

Twelve things for 2018
December 13, 2017

With a limit of two minutes per topic.

WebRTC again, and about:blank weirdness
December 07, 2017

WebRTC again, and about:blank weirdness.