The Highly Sensitive Person Podcast

The Highly Sensitive Person Podcast

Latest Episodes

64: Oliver Burkeman on Happiness & Negative Thinking
May 11, 2016

I'm thrilled to have on the podcast Oliver Burkeman, author of The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking. Oliver is a writer for The Guardian. In his column titled, "This column will change your life", he explores ideas...

63: "I feel like I'm drowning, like I'm never caught up"
April 25, 2016

The feeling of underachievement and being behind

62. Six Hidden Benefits of Being Highly Sensitive
April 14, 2016

In episode 59, I started a 3-episode series about the positive aspects of being a Highly Sensitive Person. I talked about people who are celebrated for their sensitivity, like artists and musicians.   In today's show, I'm discussing what I think...

61: Amy Morin and Building Mental Strength
March 28, 2016

A popular misconception about Highly Sensitive people--to those who aren’t very familiar with the trait--is that HSPs are always emotionally fragile and not mentally strong. But this isn't true. You CAN be mentally strong and an HSP--it's all...

60: The Extroverted Highly Sensitive Man: An Interview with Johnny Martinez
March 14, 2016

The Highly Sensitive Podcast is for people with Sensory Processing Sensitivity--or those who want to better understand HSPs. In this show, I share personal stories, tips, rants, and occasionally interviews with interesting HSPs. Today's episode is a...

59: People who are celebrated for their sensitivity
March 01, 2016

Think about the artists, musicians, writers, and actors.....

58: What is an Empath? With Caroline of The Happy Sensitive
February 13, 2016

I've heard the word "empath" a lot, but didn't truly understand what it meant. I thought it maybe simply referred to people who experienced a lot of empathy....? But that didn't seem right. When searching for a simple explanation about...

57. Interview with teen HSP, Daisy Gumin
February 01, 2016

Many misdiagnoses finally lead to a realization of high sensitivity

56. Best Jobs for HSPs (revisited)
January 03, 2016

What is the best career for a highly sensitive person?

55. Easily Grossed Out
December 18, 2015

Does blood, guts, and gore make you feel faint?