HR Breakfast Club

HR Breakfast Club

16. Psychological Dimensions of Returning Employees to Work After a Crisis

July 15, 2020

Traditionally, the ability to work from home has been viewed as something of a luxury, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, reports are emerging of high levels of psychological distress among employees working from home.

We are joined today by Dr Melanie Irons, Senior Consultant at Steople (formerly known as Peoplescape), who explains some of the psychological dimensions at play, bringing her knowledge of crisis communication to the situation in which we now - as a global community - find ourselves.

Dr Irons explains that rapid change and ambiguity are characteristic of emergency situations.  But how can employers provide certainty, flexibility and transparency within the wash of constant flux?

Our focus across the HR Breakfast Club podcast series is the intersection of the world of work and the law. For more resources, head to our website
